Tuesday, February 20, 2007

13 most stupid answers why women get into auto accidents:

1) Woman didn't want to kill that little boy, she decided to change clothes.
2)Woman did not want to hit your mail box, she decided to do her makeup or to undo her hair and spray it.
3) Woman was not just talking on the phone and driving, she was just asking the right pedal for stopping.
4) Woman could not be drinking before driving, she just had a very good date before...
5)Woman did not think about the other three cars that her man hit, she was just doing a blow job
6)Woman is driving in a smog and it is night, it is almost impossible to see anything when you are driving in these circumstances.
7) Woman with a little kid in the back and he is always disturbing the driver all the time. The woman looks every time to see what had happened and one of these times can be the last for them
8) Woman did not want to hit your car she was in a long traffic jam and finally can got out of it. She cannot say if the car is too close to hers or too far.
9) Woman is never speeding, she is late for a date.
10) Woman is not a smoker she is just nervous and was looking for a lighter and stooping to pick it up from the floor
11)Woman is not tired, she just decided to sleep for a minute before the light turns green.
12) Woman can not be inattentive she just saw something very interesting in the back of another car.
13)Women is always right on the road and that is a fact!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Drunk driver killed two people and got 15000 USD.

You know the rules... You have to be 21 if you want to have a drink. But you have to be only 16 if you want to drive.
So, if you know math ( just a bit) you should know that 16 is 5 years younger than 21.
Here is the story. Of course when the Spring Brake begins all the teenagers get out of town and try to have as much fun as possible. And of course all of them have cars and when they are talking about fun they are talking about alcohol.

So one of the Orange county became the witness of one very interesting mistake that the kids did.
It was evening and all the kids just came from one of th Pizza places of the county and decided to have a drink or two on the beach.

They waited until it was midnight, got out and went to the beach but before that they asked to buy them alcohol one of the people that they say near the store and he just bought it(!)

Just think about this, - cries the mother of one of the kids who died, - he just got into the store and bought the damn bottles!
Yes, if I only new what that man would do I would kill him myself. On that same spot.

And you know what is the most disgusting thing about that guy? That he didn't ask that's one and the second thing is that he didn't tell them that it was bad and that they cannot drive after drinking!

So here is the man in front of the judge and telling everybody that he did not mean it. That he thought that everything will be o.k.
And he is telling this after buying them Vodka?, - cries the mom.

The orange county dui attorney calls the condemnation and says that the man has to pay money to the both of the killed kids and twice more to the one who is alive, who was driving the car.

So before getting kids alcohol think twice...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

16 proven ways to save money on car insurance.

If you decided to get a car you should also think about the insurance. Of course you don't want to pay a lot of money for it. And you should know that there is a way that you don't have to pay so much money... Here are 15 ways of making it happen:
1)Keep your car in a garage or on a drive way and tell your insurance company this.
2)Get a cheaper quote from another car insurance company and tell your existing insurance company and see if they will give you an even better deal.
3)Buy your car insurance online as you may find you can get a discount for buying online.
4)Pay your premium as an upfront lump sum so that you avoid paying interest on top of your premiums. Car insurance companies usually charge a lot of interest so even if you do not have the cash up front, you may still be better off borrowing the money more cheaply elsewhere. You could for example pay for your insurance with your credit card and then do a balance transfer to another one of your credit cards charging lower interest than your car insurance company.
5)Add a second person who has a good record to the insurance cover as sometimes this can lower your premium.
6) Be as accurate as possible when giving your annual mileage to the insurance company
7) If you do low mileage in your car, then consider agreeing to limited mileage insurance so you are covered for a certain number of miles.
8)Fit an immobiliser or car alarm, preferably both
9)If you have an older car, consider changing your insurance from comprehensive cover to third party, fire and theft cover.
10) Choose as high an excess as you can afford to pay in the event of a claim
11)There is a way that you don't drive your car at all
12)You can let your grandmother drive it especially after midnight... No cops will stop her.
13)After driving one way you can go home back to front.
14)If your son or daughter is driving the car you have to sit next to them because then your insurance will be cheaper
15) Just don't get a car.
16) make friends with atlanta auto accident attorney Jim Northland 866-638-5378 =)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Siberia crashes.

Death… For some people it means only sadness and cries, depression and tears. But there are some that can make money on it.
These people know how to make money out of a lot of things, some of you had no idea that it was possible…
Insurance – this is one of the ways that a lot of people make money out of nowhere…
But! These people know the rules how to do it legal… Because if people try to do it illegal they can have a lot of problems.
Car insurance – is one of the most popular way of getting money, but before trying you should think is this really the right was for you?
Just think you can get into real big trouble if someone will know about what you are planning.
I can tell you a lot of ways how you can MAKE money out of a lot of very simple and interesting things…
Moose… A lot of people hit them while driving especially at night. But this does not mean that you should look for them just to hit them when they come but this is the easiest way of getting the insurance. BUT! There are buts in here. You have to HATE your car because if you just bought it I don’t think that you would even think of making money out of this…
The payment can be really big if you have any types of injuries. But again.. Do you really want to do it? Is this the right way?
In Russia in the last year where a lot of airplane crashes. “Sibir” bought old airplanes from the Us. They cost about 1 million. Only one… But if they had crashed the company would get 20 million that was the insurance for them. And they crashed and the company did really get a lot of money.
The other side of this is that they lost a lot of their clients because people were terrified of the fact that they could die.
Even when they made the price of the ticket a lot lower than the other companies there was still no reaction at all.
There are always two sides of this. The only thing that you should know is that the bad side can be a lot bigger than the good things that you could get out of it.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Less lives – more money!

A car accident is an incident during which an automobile either departs from regular pathway into a ditch, or collides with anything that causes damage to the automobile, including other automobiles, telephone poles, buildings, and trees. Sometimes a car accident may also refer to an automobile striking a human or animal. Car accidents — also called road traffic accidents (RTAs), traffic collisions, auto accidents, road accidents, personal injury collisions, motor vehicle accidents, and crashes — kill an estimated 1.2 million people worldwide each year, and injure about forty times this number (WHO, 2004). The term accident is considered an inappropriate word by some, as reliable sources estimate that upwards of 90% are the result of driver negligence. In the UK the Department of Transport publish road deaths in each type of vehicle. These statistics are available as "Risk of injury measured by percentage of drivers injured in a two car injury accident.

Every year about 1,2 million people die in car accidents, and more than 50 million get serious injuries. The only other thing in the world that takes more lives are AIDS. About this is written in the Worldwide organization of health.
The leaders in this horrible statistics are the developing countries in Europe. If in the US on 100 thousand inhabitants there are only 15 deaths in auto accidents, than in Africa this mark is 28 deaths. The highest mortality rate is registered in Salvador – 48 people out of 100 thousands. And if remake this statistic for cars than it will be even more contrastive - in the US almost every citizen has a car.
The WHO say that their research is the first trial for 30 years to class the damage out of the auto accidents in the world scale. Characteristically that the report of the 1962 year was named ”Accidents on the road.”, and in the new 217 paged work the expression “accident” is not used even once – the experts think that these tragedies where in a certain way where by the nature of the case. But still the government thinks of this problem as the problem of health but the transport problem.

The result should be that people should think more about the safety. New cars should be made safier and the roads should be better.
If all will stay the same then till 2020 year the deaths will be the same like from AIDS. And even be higher in 60%