Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Siberia crashes.

Death… For some people it means only sadness and cries, depression and tears. But there are some that can make money on it.
These people know how to make money out of a lot of things, some of you had no idea that it was possible…
Insurance – this is one of the ways that a lot of people make money out of nowhere…
But! These people know the rules how to do it legal… Because if people try to do it illegal they can have a lot of problems.
Car insurance – is one of the most popular way of getting money, but before trying you should think is this really the right was for you?
Just think you can get into real big trouble if someone will know about what you are planning.
I can tell you a lot of ways how you can MAKE money out of a lot of very simple and interesting things…
Moose… A lot of people hit them while driving especially at night. But this does not mean that you should look for them just to hit them when they come but this is the easiest way of getting the insurance. BUT! There are buts in here. You have to HATE your car because if you just bought it I don’t think that you would even think of making money out of this…
The payment can be really big if you have any types of injuries. But again.. Do you really want to do it? Is this the right way?
In Russia in the last year where a lot of airplane crashes. “Sibir” bought old airplanes from the Us. They cost about 1 million. Only one… But if they had crashed the company would get 20 million that was the insurance for them. And they crashed and the company did really get a lot of money.
The other side of this is that they lost a lot of their clients because people were terrified of the fact that they could die.
Even when they made the price of the ticket a lot lower than the other companies there was still no reaction at all.
There are always two sides of this. The only thing that you should know is that the bad side can be a lot bigger than the good things that you could get out of it.

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