Friday, February 9, 2007

Less lives – more money!

A car accident is an incident during which an automobile either departs from regular pathway into a ditch, or collides with anything that causes damage to the automobile, including other automobiles, telephone poles, buildings, and trees. Sometimes a car accident may also refer to an automobile striking a human or animal. Car accidents — also called road traffic accidents (RTAs), traffic collisions, auto accidents, road accidents, personal injury collisions, motor vehicle accidents, and crashes — kill an estimated 1.2 million people worldwide each year, and injure about forty times this number (WHO, 2004). The term accident is considered an inappropriate word by some, as reliable sources estimate that upwards of 90% are the result of driver negligence. In the UK the Department of Transport publish road deaths in each type of vehicle. These statistics are available as "Risk of injury measured by percentage of drivers injured in a two car injury accident.

Every year about 1,2 million people die in car accidents, and more than 50 million get serious injuries. The only other thing in the world that takes more lives are AIDS. About this is written in the Worldwide organization of health.
The leaders in this horrible statistics are the developing countries in Europe. If in the US on 100 thousand inhabitants there are only 15 deaths in auto accidents, than in Africa this mark is 28 deaths. The highest mortality rate is registered in Salvador – 48 people out of 100 thousands. And if remake this statistic for cars than it will be even more contrastive - in the US almost every citizen has a car.
The WHO say that their research is the first trial for 30 years to class the damage out of the auto accidents in the world scale. Characteristically that the report of the 1962 year was named ”Accidents on the road.”, and in the new 217 paged work the expression “accident” is not used even once – the experts think that these tragedies where in a certain way where by the nature of the case. But still the government thinks of this problem as the problem of health but the transport problem.

The result should be that people should think more about the safety. New cars should be made safier and the roads should be better.
If all will stay the same then till 2020 year the deaths will be the same like from AIDS. And even be higher in 60%

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