Tuesday, February 20, 2007

13 most stupid answers why women get into auto accidents:

1) Woman didn't want to kill that little boy, she decided to change clothes.
2)Woman did not want to hit your mail box, she decided to do her makeup or to undo her hair and spray it.
3) Woman was not just talking on the phone and driving, she was just asking the right pedal for stopping.
4) Woman could not be drinking before driving, she just had a very good date before...
5)Woman did not think about the other three cars that her man hit, she was just doing a blow job
6)Woman is driving in a smog and it is night, it is almost impossible to see anything when you are driving in these circumstances.
7) Woman with a little kid in the back and he is always disturbing the driver all the time. The woman looks every time to see what had happened and one of these times can be the last for them
8) Woman did not want to hit your car she was in a long traffic jam and finally can got out of it. She cannot say if the car is too close to hers or too far.
9) Woman is never speeding, she is late for a date.
10) Woman is not a smoker she is just nervous and was looking for a lighter and stooping to pick it up from the floor
11)Woman is not tired, she just decided to sleep for a minute before the light turns green.
12) Woman can not be inattentive she just saw something very interesting in the back of another car.
13)Women is always right on the road and that is a fact!

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