Wednesday, February 14, 2007

16 proven ways to save money on car insurance.

If you decided to get a car you should also think about the insurance. Of course you don't want to pay a lot of money for it. And you should know that there is a way that you don't have to pay so much money... Here are 15 ways of making it happen:
1)Keep your car in a garage or on a drive way and tell your insurance company this.
2)Get a cheaper quote from another car insurance company and tell your existing insurance company and see if they will give you an even better deal.
3)Buy your car insurance online as you may find you can get a discount for buying online.
4)Pay your premium as an upfront lump sum so that you avoid paying interest on top of your premiums. Car insurance companies usually charge a lot of interest so even if you do not have the cash up front, you may still be better off borrowing the money more cheaply elsewhere. You could for example pay for your insurance with your credit card and then do a balance transfer to another one of your credit cards charging lower interest than your car insurance company.
5)Add a second person who has a good record to the insurance cover as sometimes this can lower your premium.
6) Be as accurate as possible when giving your annual mileage to the insurance company
7) If you do low mileage in your car, then consider agreeing to limited mileage insurance so you are covered for a certain number of miles.
8)Fit an immobiliser or car alarm, preferably both
9)If you have an older car, consider changing your insurance from comprehensive cover to third party, fire and theft cover.
10) Choose as high an excess as you can afford to pay in the event of a claim
11)There is a way that you don't drive your car at all
12)You can let your grandmother drive it especially after midnight... No cops will stop her.
13)After driving one way you can go home back to front.
14)If your son or daughter is driving the car you have to sit next to them because then your insurance will be cheaper
15) Just don't get a car.
16) make friends with atlanta auto accident attorney Jim Northland 866-638-5378 =)

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