Friday, February 16, 2007

Drunk driver killed two people and got 15000 USD.

You know the rules... You have to be 21 if you want to have a drink. But you have to be only 16 if you want to drive.
So, if you know math ( just a bit) you should know that 16 is 5 years younger than 21.
Here is the story. Of course when the Spring Brake begins all the teenagers get out of town and try to have as much fun as possible. And of course all of them have cars and when they are talking about fun they are talking about alcohol.

So one of the Orange county became the witness of one very interesting mistake that the kids did.
It was evening and all the kids just came from one of th Pizza places of the county and decided to have a drink or two on the beach.

They waited until it was midnight, got out and went to the beach but before that they asked to buy them alcohol one of the people that they say near the store and he just bought it(!)

Just think about this, - cries the mother of one of the kids who died, - he just got into the store and bought the damn bottles!
Yes, if I only new what that man would do I would kill him myself. On that same spot.

And you know what is the most disgusting thing about that guy? That he didn't ask that's one and the second thing is that he didn't tell them that it was bad and that they cannot drive after drinking!

So here is the man in front of the judge and telling everybody that he did not mean it. That he thought that everything will be o.k.
And he is telling this after buying them Vodka?, - cries the mom.

The orange county dui attorney calls the condemnation and says that the man has to pay money to the both of the killed kids and twice more to the one who is alive, who was driving the car.

So before getting kids alcohol think twice...

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